Tag Archives: Easter

Candy-Fueled Madness

I knew it was time to cut off the Easter candy today when I caught little C. drawing whiskers on her face with an ink pen.

She also penned some round spots on her legs.

“I’m a cat!” the sugar-addled 3-year-old said.

She had sort of nutty look in her eye, like a kid who had just wrapped up a serious sweets bender. I blame the sleeve of mini Reese’s cups she managed to scarf from her Easter basket, despite my attempts to keep consumption to a moderate level. She’s a sneaky one, and it’s hard to keep her away from candy at a time like this.

The whole weekend has been filled with Easter, with two egg hunts (both with lots of candy), a neighborhood party (carne aside and sangria should be part of every holiday get-together) and church this morning (both kids were actually pretty well-behaved this year).

Amid all the food and treats, the kids had a blast with their little buddies.

A. had an epic Nerf battle with his amigos yesterday. At one point, he said, the sky was filled with Nerf bullets. Nothing says Easter like a Nerf war among the neighborhood kids.

And C. worked the church dining hall this morning like the little social butterfly that she is. She loves a party, and the Easter breakfast at Trinity Cathedral was just her thing.

Now it’s time to get things back to normal. Lent is over, and I can finally start eating Cheetos again. (Giving them up was much harder than I originally anticipated.)

School starts again tomorrow for A., and I think he’s ready to go back.

We’re getting organized, rested and cleaned up. In C.’s case, that involved a good soaking in the tub. Luckily, the ink came off with a little scrubbing. At least she didn’t use a Sharpie.

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